Double J in the house
John arrives tomorrow for a couple of alcohol-fueled weeks of mayhem.
Sailing a cheeseburger over the Grand Canyon, with a monkey co-pilot
After weeks of training frivilous aspects of kickboxing, such as footwork, blocking, jabbing and such, we finally get on to the real stuff- elbows, kness and punching combos. Tis fun.
I found a supermarket in town which carries vegemite. Tonight I am going on a toast-buttering, vegemite-scoffing carb-fest.
The NZ ambassador to Canada has caused quite a flap of left-wings by saying that Maori tribes in New Zealand fought and ate each other. The exact words he used were:
So what am I doing with my time? Each day I am spending a good portion of time exhausting the job banks and applying where I can. Until I can get some actual work type thing, I am painting up models and selling them on ebay as a nice little sideline.
The damn Nimbys (Not In My Back Yard) are at it again. Plans have been announced for a massive wind farm in Makara near Wellington, and already the Nimbys have announced that they will fight it to the end.
There's always been a lot of money in religion- just look at the wealth that the church built up during the middle ages that still sustains them today. But it's always funny to see the latest way that entrepreneurs find to fleece funds from the faithful.